Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Twilight Series

Twilight was an addictive story. I read all three books in a week. I abandoned all motherly responsibilities, thus leaving myself to feel constantly guilty. I started reading it again, so I thought perhaps a new book would help. It has. I am reading Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austin. Probably inspired by Bella's addiction to such authors. At any rate, while the Twilight series did not increase the number of brain cells I have in any way I enjoyed it completely. I checked out the twilight website and read a first chapter of Midnight Sun. Twilight written from Edwards point of view. Surely, I would love it if she wrote the entire series again using Edward as the narrator. However, if you want thought provoking or awe inspiring this book series is not for you. It is quite simply and escape from reality. If you want to read the Edward Story click here


Kate said...

I would love to join, even though I don't have a WHOLE lot of time for reading. (And I need you to teach me how to put links in phrases like "click here", instead of spelling out the entire link.) :)

Ms. Kneisly said...

LOL, a friend of our said he always knows when his wife is reading a book from the Twilight series because nothing gets done around the house. I do the same thing when I read it which is weird because the book isn't THAT well written, it's not a great peice of literature...and yet somehow it is completely captivating to us women. WHY?

McMurtrey said...

I love this series!! I can't wait for the other book to come out!! She has another series comming out in may I think it is called Host!!

Anonymous said...

Well written article.